Discover the natural and non-invasive solution to your health problems with scalar energy!
Scalar waves are a phenomenon found in various fields of study such as astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics, and also occur naturally in nature. Currently, there are emerging healing technologies that can produce scalar waves, allowing for an intelligent interface with our living bio-interactive fields. These waves are non-linear, non-Hertzian, and have the ability to carry information, while also traveling faster than the speed of light and not decaying over time or distance. Think of it like how your Wi-Fi signal carries information from your computer to the internet. These special scalar waves work by increasing the energy of every single atom in our bodies, especially the atoms that make up our DNA. This is important because our DNA holds all of our genetic information, and if it gets damaged or starts to break down, we can get sick or feel unwell. The use of scalar-wave technologies can provide a transcendental healing experience where an individual is infused/charged with restorative information and surrounded by super-conductive, highly dense coherent energy fields.
Overall, scalar waves are a fascinating field of study with enormous potential for practical applications in fields such as medicine, communication, and energy. And we have pioneers like Nikola Tesla to thank for helping us understand and develop this amazing technology!
Scalar waves are a remarkable phenomenon that were first studied by scientists such as Nikola Tesla, who was an important figure in the development of scalar energy technology. Tesla invented the “Tesla coil,” a device that is still widely used today to generate high-frequency, high-voltage electricity. He believed that scalar waves had the potential to be used in practical applications, such as energy transmission and communication.
However, in recent years, there hasn’t been much public discussion of scalar technology, despite its potential applications. It’s worth noting that the official CIA website recently declassified some documents that shed light on this fascinating technology. These documents provide a more comprehensive view of scalar technology, which has been hidden from the public for many years.
➡️ Link to official CIA website On Scalar Energy:
(Copy the link and paste it to your internet browser.)
The Science of Scalar Energy Quantum Technology:
Scalar energy is a type of energy that results when two frequencies that are identical in make-up come together from opposite directions and collide, creating a static energy field. Scalar energy is composed of circles of energy that create a balanced network of living energy systems. Nikola Tesla had envisioned scalar energy as a wave carrier for telecommunications, which would eliminate the need for wires, and had even powered an automobile through transmitters receiving scalar energy waves. Medically, scalar energy has the ability to break down molecular bonds of bacteria and fungi and neutralize radiation and other harmful man-made electromagnetic frequencies that cause illnesses and imbalances in the body.
Here are some of the purported benefits of scalar energy:
- Strengthening the hydrogen bonds of DNA to prevent damage
- Improving immune system functioning
- Balancing the brain’s two halves, improving mental focus, and acting as a natural antidepressant
- Enhancing cell membrane vibration and electrical charge for optimal nutrient exchange
- Energizing the body’s cells and promoting overall high levels of function
- Reducing inflammation in the body
- Rejuvenating the blood profile and promoting blood flow with increased oxygen circulation
- Storing energy in objects like holographic discs to provide relief for conditions such as arthritis, depression, muscular and joint pain, and overall body dysfunctions
- Providing healing without requiring drugs, machines, or chemicals
Despite its benefits and properties, the impact of scalar energy is still unrecognized in the science field, making it an untapped resource in the medical field. At Aural Balance, we are committed to fully harnessing the power of energy medicine to change the lives of our customers by promoting harmony and counteracting negative energy forces.
More information about Scalar Technology and Frequencies used in the products you can find here.
*Legal notice and disclaimer:
By purchasing this product, you acknowledge and agree that Aural Balance company shall not be held responsible for any harmful or other consequences that may arise from the use of this therapy.
*Medical Disclaimer:
Please be aware that the products offered on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical problems or medical conditions. The information provided on this site is solely intended for educational purposes. The statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be considered medical advice, either explicitly or implicitly. This technology is intended only for investigational use.
Catalina –
I recently had the opportunity to try the Scalar Energy treatment from Aural Balance website, and I must say I am thoroughly impressed. For many years, I have experienced pain during my menstrual cycle, and it has always been a challenge for me to cope with it. However, as soon as they turned on the Scalar device with my picture on it, I was amazed to find that the pain had disappeared instantly.
The program was administered by Martynas and Daniela, and I am incredibly grateful to them for providing me with such a wonderful treatment. I have never experienced anything like this before, and it was truly remarkable to see how effective the Scalar Energy treatment was in easing my pain.
I am now excited to explore more of this technology and learn more about what it has to offer. I would definitely recommend the Scalar Energy treatment to anyone who is looking for a natural way to ease their pain and improve their health. Thank you, Daniela and Martynas, for providing me with such an incredible experience!